• Music and Video Content for Cable TV and Mobile

    July 5, 2016 eglacomm

    TV and Music Content

    TV Music Content is aggregated in our cloud-based infrastructure. Our platform brings together a plethora of TV and Music content of subscribers for Mobile/Tablet and MSO. We can meet all needs of entertainment, from EDM to News to Sports, anything you can think of.  MEDIAMPLIFY can create a-la-carte programming and linear TV channels plus standard on-demand downloads and streaming of movies, TV shows, and e-Learning.  This section contains some TV and Music Content  samples however for TV and Music Lineup refer to:

    Music Stations lineup
    TV lineup

    MEVIA brings all kind of  TV and music content for your fingertist with over 1000 TV channels and 200+ music channels. Our customers can load their own content with ours. Pick from all our repertoire a-la-carte and select news, entertainment, sports, life style, and more. Our platform content is diverse and unique for mobile, Cable TV, and other platforms.

    Load your own TV and Music Content for Mobile or MSO

    Users can upload their own TV and Music content, from your studio or playback of pre-recorded content. Call us for additional details.

    TV Music Content Channels (Sample)

    EDM TV

    Clubbing TV

    TV Music Content Channels (Sample)

    mediamplify music contentAlternativo Latino

    Dance Music


    Nuevo Jazz
