Expert Witness Services

We have dedicated and detailed with audits and your expert witness needs.  We are  smart case managers that are familiar with patent law, copyright, and many other areas of our intellectual property services.

We have a network of professionals from multiple Fortune 500 corporations like Motorola, Nokia, Apple, Blackberry, Google, Microsoft, and more. You will save time and money with our services.

Once we identify the best experts for your case, our team will connect you with the leading candidates before you make a final decision.

Patents, Trademarks, Software

We can work on audits and expert witness services as we are specialized in technology fields of:  wireless communications, cloud-based systems software platform mobile, embedded devices, operating systems, and many aspects the include hardware & software interactions for your case.

We  can audit software and validate technical reports, statements, affidavits.  Our services include Inter-Partiers Reviews, Validity, Copyright, Patent Infringement, Packet Captures, Evidence Analysis, Reverse Engineering, and more

Laboratory for Testing

We have access to modern techniques for testing and validating wireless networks. We can setup a virtualized environment and clearly understand diagrams from the hardware/software provided.  Our hands-on engineers can write scripts and your expert will provide you with reports that are strong and hard to be challenged.

You can Contact Us for Additional Information.

Email, Phone Call,

We can get your best value for your hourly wage, our experts and coordinators will be on top of your case. Your case will have supplemental reports, expert analysis, and we can offer our conference room for depositions at a reduced rate.

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