• iOS, Android Applications with 3rd party APIs for any remote access to SAFEFI
  • Safefi Zones and Text-to-911 Management Platform
  • Incident Reporting and Management
  • Cloud-based Platform for Incident Management

SAFEFI : Saving Lives, Helping People

Turn your power button into a rescue button by discreetly pressing it multiple times your phone sends an emergency message to a family member or command center with your location and health information,  You don’t need to unlock your phone to get this functionality working.

SafeFi is a safety application that can be utilized in any dangerous or uncomfortable situation to alert others that they are in need of help.

Patented Technology - SNAPP

SNAPP is a patented technology that turns your phone into a panic button, makes your power button a rescue button.

For SAFEFI information, Patent Licensing, or White Label Opportunities

We offer several options for you and avenues for monetization.  Licensing the patents, the platform, white label, or a hybrid of all. Also you can download SAFEFI from IOS and Apple Stores and purchase the panic button from our store or SAFEFI.me