Mevia: A tool for e-Learning

MEVIA: A solution for Education and E-Learning

In January 2015, Dr. Edwin Hernandez was in Honduras and volunteered for the “Honduras Global Foundation” and presented a platform for E-Learning using MEVIA.

During his presence there, he proposed a new project with an innovative  E-learning and mobile education platform for Honduras and many parts of the world, which we call MEVIAMEVIA is a product that ties educational content with two massive distribution channels, mobile and Cable TV systems. Media includes Video and Music streaming channels available in both Mobile and Cable TV. Our application also includes an innovative safety feature suitable for a third world countries.  It’s known that Honduras has major problems with violence, crime, and education. These problems are  clearly described in the following UNICEF video.  MEVIA then comes to address two major issues in the third world, education and safety.


MEVIA is a new product that increases EGLA’s offering and brings the social responsibility aspect to our mission. MEVIA comes to address the gaps found in education and safety in countries like Honduras. This app will change the way we educate individuals with and provides an innovative e-Learning platform that brings Music, Video, and Safety outlets to our subscribers.


Our video content roadmap includes learning and teaching videos. We will integrate other content into the future. However,  our video content covers teaching videos for technical, business, design, and digital technologies, as well as primary to secondary schools.  From web design, to math, to programming languages, all in one great repertoire  of options also available on mobile and Cable TV.

and a Cable TV offering, with a network of 9-12 different HD/SD cable TV channels delivered to your local cable operator:


Our music service is a derivation of MEDIAMPLIFY MUSIC which  includes all genres, music from all countries, and is quite attractive as it comes with its Cable TV outlet.

Mevia Music is delivered with high-fidelity audio to mobile, web, and connected drives. Our music streaming content is also available for Cable TV systems in a great variety of set top boxes  Our music content includes thousands if not millions of tracks from man generes. All available at the palm of your hands.


Our safety offering is a great option to alert friends and family in case of emergencies.  A subscriber can trigger after installing the MEVIA application, an alert, that can be sent to a friend or a family member, and if required tracked real-time for our corporate users.  Indeed, MEVIA SAFETY is a great tool to help mobile users trigger an emergency mode in the phone after pressing a pattern on your phone without launching the app.

“Fact: Honduras is a Millennial Country  with 70% of the population under 30 yrs old, however 800K honduras does not work and does not study”


Honduras Global has as a mission to create links between highly skilled and successful Hondurans abroad with Honduras and bring knowledge, exchange experiences, and develop the country. Honduras Global members include Dr. Sir Salvador Moncada, Myself,  Maya Selva, Carlos Campos, and many other renewed Hondurans, including myself as a founding member.   Honduras Global also became part of the “Marca Pais,” a government effort to market Honduras to the world with its best offering.


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